Friday, May 4, 2012

The Final Word - 5/4/12

The Final Word:  This week comes from our "musicianary" Tom Conlon, phenomenal singer/songwriter, who is currently home from touring and back in Marblehead, MA for the summer while he records his next album.  

This week’s subject reminds me of one of my favorite passages in Ps. 23 “…You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.”  This challenges me to consider that at the times when I feel it most necessary to act, “in the presence of my enemies”, He invites me to be at ease.  When I feel that a show of force and defiance are necessary, He invites me to recline with Him…effectively, to turn my back on what I’m threatened by, and exercise the discipline of dealing with my fears and learning to be at peace.

This is counterintuitive; to resist, endure, and prevail in what we call “fighting the good fight of faith” requires above all pursuing this personal and corporate peace that comes only in communing with Him as our primary task.  It affects our every perception, assessment and action.  In Hebrews 4 we’re reminded to be diligent to enter this rest that He’s provided and to cease from our own works.  This table He is inviting me to is actually a different way of being in the world.  You could say it’s the way of His Kingdom.  The imagery of the marriage feast is no different – a table of friends.  When He corrects his lukewarm bride in Revelation 3, it is with an invitation to ‘come and dine'.  Part of me always fights this - out of shame, indifference or pride, but it remains an option, and always leads to me being changed.  In terms of spreading the good news, I can’t think of a better place to start.

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