Friday, May 18, 2012

The Final Word

This week's Final Word, comes from Ben Collins.  Ben is the teaching pastor at Canvas Church in Deland, Florida and co-author & speaker with Radius Camps Inc.  

Who is Jesus? 
The question of someone's identity always brings us back to their story.  You can't really know who somebody is until you know where they've been, where they've come from, who they are, and what is their past.  Jesus' past is part of the entire biblical story.  He is the God of creation, Liberation and ultimately reconciliation.  Jesus is the God preached by the prophets, the king that is to bring everything back together.  In order to show them these truths he must allow them to experience situations that teach them about his past and ultimately the his entire story.    

In Mark, things go badly in the boat that night and the writer asks the question, "Who is this?"  Mark doesn't give their answer as he kind of lets it hang there and the answer to the question is a question.  Who is this that the wind and the waves obey Him?  The answer is on the tip of their tounges.  The wind and the waves obey him because He is the creator.  The wind and the waves obey Him becuase he can resuce us.  He's the liberator, the one who resuces.  the wind and the waves obey him because he is the king of this domain.  He is making peace and reconciling us to God.  

It is this question that is at the heart of discipleship.  Mark loads the question with the assumption that Jesus is the Creator, Liberator, and Reconciler.  The question for us as we wrestle with the rest of our lives is, do we see what Mark sees?  Do we see Jesus as the Creator, Liberator, and Reconciler?  The better question; are we allowing Jesus to be the creator, liberator and reconciler of our lives?  For once we learn his story, the story should change our lives forever.    

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