Monday, June 18, 2012

The Closest Proximity

Radius Camp 2012
I'm about to board a flight for Chicago, where I will lead Radius Camp this week.  As I sit here in the Orlando airport, I can not help but have a huge sense of pride for each of you because you actually get it church!  You really do desire a proximity with God that is second to none and wish to convey this to your communities as well.  Thanks for not only being a great church but simply being church in the first place.  I'll be checking each day to update you on the mission camp.  Say a prayer for me.

'Proximity of Authority'.
This ultimate reality is this allows us to trust God with every aspect of our life.  I believe trust puts you in the closest proximity because it is the greatest aspect of the fully surrendered life.  The fully surrendered life demonstrates 2 things, a complete detachment of things and a complete attachment to God.

What are you attached to that doesn't bring you in closer proximity with God?  Jesus said in Mark 4 that the kingdom of God was like the smallest of mustard seeds, yet when planted, it grows and becomes the largest of all garden plants, with such big branches that the birds can perch in it's shade.  Just the smallest of trust can bring you closer to God today.  But we have to mistrust those things we've been holding on to that bring false security.  For all of us it will be something different.  It could be money, kids, jobs, boats, vacation homes, and even careers.  Even these things that God has blessed us with are just tools (even money!).  They are just tools, that God can use for us to further his kingdom to bring others into the same proximity we've experienced.  They in themselves don't bring lasting peace and transformation.  It is only when we attach ourselves fully to God, like he encouraged the rich young ruler from a couple of weeks ago that we find true peace and can actually experience a spirituality that is honest and real.

Spend some time today thinking on the words of Jesus that tell us to enter our journey with nothing but the sandals on our feet and the staff in our hand.  Stop it, I know what you're thinking!  You're thinking one bag will be enough or who will an extra shirt hurt?  It will hurt you!  Trust totally in God's provision for you today no matter what you are going through.  And when rejection comes, shake the dust off your feet as a testimony of who and what you're trusting in.  I promise, do this and you will experience God like never before.  

Ok, lets get real!
Comment below on some things in your life that have taken you away from God and how you overcame it and were brought back in proximity with Him.

Further Reading: 
Luke 10:3-11;   Mark 4:26-32;   Ephesians 2:1-10
Sit, Walk, Stand by Watchman Nee

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